A Walk Down the Tracks Part 2
August 1, 2011 by admin
Filed under Heritage, Nature, Recreation, Stories
By David Teo, 18 Jul 2011.
In the previous post, I talked about my walk along the tracks from Bukit Timah railway station to Ghim Moh Estate. CK and I took a well deserved breakfast break together with the rest of the group. For many of them, this is their final stop for the day while CK and I decided to press on towards Queensway, hoping to catch more of the sights along the way, especially the graffiti said to line the tunnels which we would be passing through.
A man reads the newspaper in the morning light at the quiet and serene Ghim Moh Estate. Read more
A Walk Down the Tracks – The Green Corridor
August 1, 2011 by admin
Filed under Nature, Recreation, Stories
By David Teo, 17 Jul 2011.

Bukit Timah Station at 645am on 10th July – now fenced up and closed.
When I started documenting the KTM railway closure in Singapore, I had decided I would do no more than a series of 5 postings documenting the closure, the people and of course, the trains. During the frenetic days leading up to the closure, I had taken a trek from the rail mall to the Chua Chu Kang level crossing (a distance of about 3km I believe). It was tough walking on the sleepers and the ballast and trying to stay alert to both photograph and avoid on-coming trains; however it was a great eye opener and not something one can do everyday in Singapore, and certainly not after the end of this year, where all the tracks will be returned to Malaysia. So when a chance to walk another section of the tracks surfaced, I jumped on it. This is a special green corridor update, and with many people flocking to walk the tracks, it only seems appropriate to talk about the importance of preserving the green corridor. Read more
A Final Journey – The Last Train Part 5
By David Teo, 24 Jul 2011.
Mr Lee, former KTM worker responsible for maintaining the tracks visiting the tracks for the last time.
While preparing the last part of the 5-part series on “The Last Train†(Part 4 is here), I discovered Mr Lee, the grandfather of a friend, an elderly man all of 85 years. He is partially deaf, and has fading vision. and is so frail he cannot move on his own properly without his walking stick. He is by all accounts, typical of the aged in Singapore, a man who due to his age, keeps repeatedly his life story to all who are within earshot, to whoever cared to listen… Read more