My Thoughts on the Concept Master Plan and Proposals for the Rail Corridor
By Eugene Tay
I started the Green Corridor campaign in Nov 2010 to support the Nature Society’s proposal to keep the former KTM railway lands as a continuous green corridor. In 2011, together with various stakeholders and government agencies, I joined the Rail Corridor Partnership Group formed by URA. Over the last 4 years, there is no doubt that URA has been active in conducting many public engagement initiatives to understand the needs and wants of Singaporeans for the Rail Corridor. The feedback and suggestions from the public and community groups were then distilled into design briefs for the Concept Master Plan and Proposals, which was awarded to the winning teams on Monday.
I think the public reaction to the Concept Master Plan and Proposals are mixed. I hear some people liking the proposals and plans, while others worry about the developments and call for the corridor to be left as it is. I would recommend that everyone visit the exhibition at URA Centre (till 28 Nov) or view the plans online, take a closer look at the proposals and then give your honest feedback. These are not the finalised proposals, but are to be refined upon further feedback from stakeholders and the public. Read more
Examples of Rails to Trails
August 25, 2011 by admin
Filed under Recreation, Stories, Transport
A reader shares these examples of former railways converted into multi-purpose trails for cycling and walking, and at the same time serving as a wildlife corridor.
New Zealand:
A Walk Down the Tracks Part 2
August 1, 2011 by admin
Filed under Heritage, Nature, Recreation, Stories
By David Teo, 18 Jul 2011.
In the previous post, I talked about my walk along the tracks from Bukit Timah railway station to Ghim Moh Estate. CK and I took a well deserved breakfast break together with the rest of the group. For many of them, this is their final stop for the day while CK and I decided to press on towards Queensway, hoping to catch more of the sights along the way, especially the graffiti said to line the tunnels which we would be passing through.
A man reads the newspaper in the morning light at the quiet and serene Ghim Moh Estate. Read more
A Walk Down the Tracks – The Green Corridor
August 1, 2011 by admin
Filed under Nature, Recreation, Stories
By David Teo, 17 Jul 2011.

Bukit Timah Station at 645am on 10th July – now fenced up and closed.
When I started documenting the KTM railway closure in Singapore, I had decided I would do no more than a series of 5 postings documenting the closure, the people and of course, the trains. During the frenetic days leading up to the closure, I had taken a trek from the rail mall to the Chua Chu Kang level crossing (a distance of about 3km I believe). It was tough walking on the sleepers and the ballast and trying to stay alert to both photograph and avoid on-coming trains; however it was a great eye opener and not something one can do everyday in Singapore, and certainly not after the end of this year, where all the tracks will be returned to Malaysia. So when a chance to walk another section of the tracks surfaced, I jumped on it. This is a special green corridor update, and with many people flocking to walk the tracks, it only seems appropriate to talk about the importance of preserving the green corridor. Read more
A Walk on the Tracks – Pt. 2 (Buona Vista to Jalan Hang Jebat)
July 31, 2011 by admin
Filed under Heritage, Nature, Recreation, Stories
By CK Ng, 19 Jul 2011.
This is a continuation of my previous post where I talked about a walk Boon Hwee and I took from Bukit Timah Railway Station to Jalan Hang Jebat. Before bidding farewell, Jerome gave us some pointers on what to look out for along the route as well as how to get there, and we set off to continue our walk.
A view of the railway tracks from an overhead bridge near Blk 10, Ghim Moh Road. Read more
A Walk on the Tracks – Pt. 1 (Bukit Timah Railway Station to Ghim Moh)
July 31, 2011 by admin
Filed under Heritage, Nature, Recreation, Stories
By CK Ng, 17 Jul 2011.
Shortly after the cessation of rail services between Tanjong Pagar Railway Station and the Woodlands Train Checkpoint, the announcement came that the entire railway will be opened to the public to explore until 17 July 2011. With no trains to watch out for, this is a good time to explore the track and the surroundings, so when I saw Jerome‘s Facebook posting organising such a walk last week, I jumped at the opportunity and also invited Boon Hwee, who has also been documenting the last days of the KTM railway to come along.
The walk was supposed to start from Tanjong Pagar Railway Station, but Jerome, having walked the track with the Minister of State Brigadier-General Tan Chuan Jin, commented that it was rather tough and there wasn’t much to see until much further down the road, so we decided to start from Bukit Timah Railway Station and end at Ghim Moh instead.
We arrived to see the Bukit Timah Railway Station now fenced up in an ugly green fence.
The railway tracks and the now-defunct and fenced up Bukit Timah Railway Station in the early morning. Read more
The Green Corridor – my railway adventure 2 (Bt Timah to Buona Vista)
July 31, 2011 by admin
Filed under Nature, Recreation, Stories
By Miss Pegasus, 10 Jul 2011.
this trip was vastly different from my previous trip along the railway track from Bt Merah to Bt Timah, when few ppl bothered abt the existence of this track. no one cared abt the railway line. apart from turning their heads to the sound of the oncoming train, the railway track seemed to disappear. in my previous trip, we were the only ones walking on the track and NSS led some groups.
yesterday, as i walked towards the bt timah railway station, my heart sank. so many ppl? the place looked infested. and i became skeptical. so many people. i walked on with a heavy heart to the start point. and i stood there alone for a good 20 minutes, just observing everyone. i heard the conversations of ppl walking past me, those taking scenic photographs, those taking arty farty photographs with toy trains on the railway tracks, little kids picking up stones and throwing it back on the track, eager parents who encouraged their kids, and eager parents who warned their kids to be safe. so many people, so much noise, so many distractions. this was absolutely not what i imagined it to be. Read more
Railway track along Upper Bukit Timah Road
July 30, 2011 by admin
Filed under Recreation, Stories, Transport
By Andy Lee, 28 Jun 2011.
Last Sun, Daddy brought Wei to participate in a railway trek along Upper Bukit Timah. Organized by TheGreenCorridor, who hope more people will be aware of Singapore’s rich Flora and Fauna Railway corridor.
There are three treks available – “Old Jurong Line”, “Upper Bukit Timah”, and “Bukit Timah”. Over 100 participants met up at RailMall for our Upper Bukit Timah adventure. Jerome (the train-guru from The LongAndWindingRoad blog) will be our guide today. This will be the last weekend trek, before KTM ends it’s runs on 30Jun2011. Read more
A walk on the wild side
By Jerome Lim, 15 May 2011.
I took a walk into a world where there might not have been one, where gold, crimson and blue tinged fairies dance a flight of joy, a joy that’s echoed in the singing of songs of joy that eludes ears made weary by the cacophony of the grey world we have found ourselves in. It is a world that seeks to be found in the midst of the cold grey world we find around us, a world that we may soon lose with the lost of the reasons for its being. The world I speak of is none other than the Green Corridor that has existed solely because of the railway which has allowed a green and seemingly distant world to exist next to the concrete world that we have created in our island.
We took the train from Singapore (Tanjong Pagar Railway Station) to Johor (JB)
May 24, 2011 by admin
Filed under Recreation, Stories, Transport
By Andy Lee, 26 Oct 2010.
Following our trip to Tanjong Pagar Railway station, we embark on our maiden train trip to Johor. (we have only taken MRT and LRTs in Singapore)
We can hear the whistle, and we boarded the 0845 train.
(for short trips, tickets are only on sale on the day itself)
Train is noisy, air is a bit stuffy, but hey, this is a NEW experience 🙂
Daddy would prefer to have a non-aircondition cabin, so we can smell the dungs, the soot, the “outdoor freshness”. Read more